Maine Coon / Domestic Medium Hair / Mixed (medium coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Baby : : Large
ADOPTION PENDING We are not accepting applications
Tito & Char are brothers and must be adopted together They are located in Blairstown, NJ They will require a spay (Char) and neuter (Tito) agreement for both kittens before adoption in addition to the adoption fee. Titi and Char were born in rescue. Their mom recently passed due to a hold in her intestine. They are typical playful, curious, adventurous kittens. They think humans are cat trees. They go where they want, climb everything they can and are expert explorers. They are mixes and there is no way to tell how big they will be OR how long their fur will be. Char is the biggest kitten in the group and first born, and Darth Mewl was the last born and is growing big and fast.
More about Darth Mewl & CharGood with Cats, Good with Adults, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle, Goofy Other Pictures of Darth Mewl & Char (click to see larger version):
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